Asian American Studies

The baccalaureate major and minor in Asian American Studies offer unique opportunities for students to study and develop a greater understanding and awareness of Asian American heritage, culture, attitudes, values, and community perspectives. Through courses, guided research, field observation, and active participation by students in community-sponsored agencies, the Asian American Studies Department is committed to positive change in the general society and Asian American communities.  The curriculum includes experiences of Chinese Americans, Filipino Americans, Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, South Asian Americans, Southeast Asian Americans (Cambodian and Vietnamese), and Asian Americans of Mixed Heritage.

Degree Options

The Asian American Studies Department offers a baccalaureate major for students who wish to pursue a comprehensive program of study of the Asian American experience. The major program is designed, through disciplinary and interdisciplinary inquiries and analyses, to provide students with a broad range of knowledge of the diverse Asian American communities. Under advisement, students may use two specific courses to fulfill the history and government requirements, and may use up to twelve units in Asian American Studies courses towards General Education requirements. Students majoring in Asian American Studies are encouraged to study a modern Asian language other than English.

Career Options for Graduates: A baccalaureate major in Asian American Studies can be used to: (1) enhance work in the Asian American communities; (2) enhance career opportunities in the Pacific Rim areas; (3) prepare for a teaching career; and (4) prepare for graduate studies (MA and PhD).

Our minor program welcomes students from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. By blending professional area studies (e.g., English, science, history, law, and more) with AAS, our students emerge better-equipped academically in preparation to enter a multicultural workforce.

In addition, our courses fulfill many general education requirements and can increase graduation rates. Through the lens of AAS, you can take courses that address the impact of race, history, culture, class, gender and sexuality, and learn how these factors shape institutions, identities and social relations. The skills you will gain, such as persuasive writing and critical thinking, can be beneficial for diverse career pathways in both the public and private sectors.

The San Francisco State Scholars Program provides motivated undergraduate students with an accelerated pathway to a graduate degree. Earn graduate credit in your junior and/or senior year, then complete your master’s degree in one year or less. Develop research skills, sharpen critical thinking skills, gain multicultural competencies and receive specialized mentorship.

The Master of Arts in Ethnic Studies is designed to be a versatile degree that provides a solid foundation for careers teaching at community colleges, working in community and multicultural resource development, administrative work in the non-profit sector, employment in student resource centers, practical application in the business fields and much more.

Program Scope: The Master of Arts degree in Asian American Studies is designed, through disciplinary and interdisciplinary inquiries and analyses of Asian American history, literature and the arts, gender and family studies, as well as community studies, to provide students with a critical knowledge of the diverse Asian American population. Students in Asian American Studies are encouraged to study a modern Asian language other than English.

Career Options for Graduates: The M.A. degree can be used to: (1) enhance work in the Asian American communities; (2) enhance career opportunities in the Pacific Rim areas; (3) prepare for a teaching and other professional career; and (4) prepare for graduate studies (Ph.D.) or other professional degrees.