Latina/Latino Studies

The Latina/Latino Studies Department is grounded in an anti-colonial perspective. We take into account the annexation of what is today considered the Southwest, the racialization of Latinas/os/x and the ongoing imperial expansionism that has resulted in Latin American and Caribbean migration to the United States.

The Department recognizes the historical resistance of Latinas/os/x and affirms ongoing struggles of self-determination that account for gender, sexuality, race, class, and the actual or perceived citizenship or immigration status of our students, their family members and other members of our Latina/o/x community.

Degree Options

The curriculum is committed to community service and empowerment and social justice. Students are encouraged to connect their classroom education to internship opportunities at legal services agencies, bilingual newspapers, health clinics, art galleries and more! Students become equipped with a unique body of knowledge and leadership skills to make a difference in their own lives, for Latina/o/x communities and society at large. Our graduates are socially conscious, critically astute and community-minded; they have the skills to create positive change wherever they go.

An excellent opportunity to amplify your education by integrating the histories and experiences of the fastest-growing ethnic group in the U.S. With an LTNS minor, graduates are well-prepared to pursue careers in various professions, and they have the cultural competency to serve Latina/Latino/Latinx communities.

The Ethnic Studies SF State Scholar Program is a great opportunity for motivated students majoring in Latina/Latino Studies. The Master of Arts in Ethnic Studies is designed to be a versatile degree that provides a solid foundation for careers teaching at community colleges, working in community and multicultural resource development, administrative work in the non-profit sector, employment in student resource centers, practical application in the business fields and much more!