Green Transition or Green Imperialism?
Green Transition or Green Imperialism?
Learn how corporate “green tech/clean tech” as solutions to the climate crisis are greenwashing extractivism and militarism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and what communities on the ground are doing about it. Learn how we can be in solidarity with the peoples impacted in Congo and everywhere for true climate justice.
In addition to three amazing speakers, we will show a short film: Mikuba: Climate Justice and Cobalt Mining; and have a multi-media visual display.
The speakers are:
Marie-Claire Faray: Research Scientist in Biomedical and Molecular Microbiology of Infectious Diseases, Medical Information and Pharmacovigilance. Defender of Human Rights, particularly of African women and girls, with a particular interest in reproductive health, empowerment and human development, peace, justice and security.
Petna Ndaliko: Mwalimu Ndaliko Katondolo (Petna), was born in Goma, DR Congo, is a filmmaker, educator, and an ancestral ecologist. His multi-genre artistic works are acclaimed for their decolonial Africanfuturistic style, which engages historical content to address contemporary sociopolitical and cultural issues. In 2000 he co-founded Yole!Africa and in 2005 he founded the Ishango Encounter (formerly known as Salaam Kivu International Film Festival). Ndaliko Katondolo teaches and consults regularly for international organizations, addressing social, ecological and political inequity among marginalized groups through culture and Art.
Samuel Yagase: Samuel Yagase is a grassroots leader mobilizing rural communities for justice and dignity in the rainforest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 1992, he co-founded GOVA – Group of Village Organizations for Autonomous Development. In 2022, Samuel and GOVA became co-founding members of the Basandja Congo Basin Coalition for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
WHERE: J Paul Leonard Library room 121
WHEN: October 23rd, 4:00-6:00 pm
Co-sponsored by: Climate HQ, The Office of Sustainability, the Department of Race and Resistance Studies, and the Marcus Endowed Chair, School of Cinema at SFSU.