The REACH program is working to develop equity-minded financial literacy strategies designed to improve college access, persistence, and completion for current and potential SF State students through increasing faculty capacity and through outreach and education by our financial literacy coach.

The REACH Faculty Learning Community is designed to increase faculty members’ capacity to teach equity minded financial literacy in the classroom. The modules include a curriculum on a wide variety of financial literacy subjects including:
- Deconstructing & Reclaiming Wealth
- Understanding Financial Aid
- Budgeting
- How to Build Sustainable and Equitable Communities
The next REACH Faculty Learning Community will be held from September 22, 2023 to March 29, 2024. The REACH Faculty Learning Community is a hybrid community offering in-person and asynchronous options.
A $1,000 honorarium is provided. Lecturers and Tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply. To sign up please visit this link.
Through a Department of Education AANAPISI Grant, the Responsive Education for Access, Community, and Hope (REACH) Program, in partnership with the Office for Student Financial Aid (OSFA), is working to create and implement culturally responsive financial literacy programs and curriculum to increase the financial knowledge and capability of SF State students.
Financial literacy workshops address topics such as: student tuition, navigating financial aid, paying for college, scholarships, money management, savings, work opportunities, understanding credit reports and scores, and more. Our new team of financial literacy coaches are available to speak in-person or online in classrooms, student clubs, or departments across campus. Workshops can be tailored and can be from 10 minutes to 1 hour. We look forward to hearing about your financial literacy needs.